Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can't Help Myself ... I've Been Bad Again

This is "stealable"


  1. He reminds me of Pee Wee Herman. I can see Paul and O going to the movies.

  2. This is a great one, Odie.
    Pee Wee is more macho, and I'd rather have him
    as president, no kidding.

  3. Supi, Pee Wee was a man compared to this guy.

  4. Admiral, You've seen his golf swing too, huh?

  5. Bunni, Pee Wee would make a better one alright.

  6. yeah, a bumper sticker like this would look much better on the tire tread of mom's car.
    Oblamer is one epic failure.
    Mom is finally figuring out how he won... he fooled the people, yes yes yes we know that part, but I think at every one of his campaign rallies he had 99% manufactured crowd - which fooled the idol worshipers.


  7. Pierro/Banks, Those of us that followed his Pre-presidential failures of his, knew what was coming.

  8. Odie, Good work.

    Maybe a basket with E.T. in it would have been a nice touch being neither one has a birth certificate,,lol

  9. Oh yeah! Totally missing a basket on the front of the bike and one of those little squeeze horns.

  10. Euripides, OK, OK, on the next redo I'll add a basket. You two are really trouble makers.

  11. He's already made me switch my life long allegiance to the White Sox, and now I'm embarrassed because I use wheels on my ass to get around...

  12. Born Again, You might have to start crawling, but keep the White Sox. Just think of it as another girl fan.

  13. Obambi is such a girly man. Obummer is looking quite clueless there. The man needs to take some lessons in malehood.

  14. Teresa, said by a woman that knows what she likes in her men.


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