Saturday, September 2, 2023

Marilyn Monroe ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Other Marilyn Loving Rule 5 ers:


  1. Nice. What exactly is rule 🤔 5 again? I read it somewhere yrs ago, but can't remember? Always enjoy 😉 your posts.

    1. Scott, just over your head is "Other Rule 5 ers". Yeah, that's it, just above your comment. That first name, "The Other McCain," ( not John McCain ). He has a very successful political blog. He was asked often how his blog was so successful. So he finally made up rules for success. "Rule #5" was "Once in awhile post a picture of a pretty girl to break up the routine a little." He heads up my list above in his honor. Now, "Woodsterman Style" is I like to be just a bit different and add a funny blonde joke or something. I think I'll post this every week to answer others questions. It may have been here where you heard it the first time.

    2. Thanks Odie. Been following you and many on the list above for many years and loving it. It started when I stumbled across Mike's 90 miles, and his side-bar, probably 15 yrs ago. Keep on keepin on. Have a great holiday 😀

  2. That woman was built like an amusement park ride, designed for boys!

    1. There were women lots better built, but she was perfectly proportioned.

    2. lol no, I think she was staring in a time when a young woman didn't express their sexualty. I've always loved the woman head to toe. Sometimes it's best to keep one's opinion to one's self. I can't please everyone.

  3. That woman was so alluring, an 8 year old could see it. And it came naturally to her. Most of the faux females today can't figure out what gender they are.

  4. Ahh Norma Jeane. Kept some sketchy company towards the end. A looker for sure

  5. Say what you will, for a girl to grow up in abuse and neglect and transform herself into an international star and beauty standard is a remarkable achievment.

  6. That was a exquisite female... Way to much woman for us mere Woodster men to handle and tame.

  7. Very pretty lady for sure.
    Thank, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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