Thursday, August 22, 2019

More Libturd Thursday

Thanks Facebuds


  1. Putting a "Make America Great Again" hat on the Øbamboozler, famous for pointing out to people "You didn't build that" is pretty ironic for someone who couldn't build squat even with his "pen and a phone" and somehow thought that the most wealthy, powerful, productive and generous nation on the face of the Earth had to be "fundamentally transformed" with Trickle-Up Poverty!

  2. Love the statue and our drag racing was better than theirs.

  3. Always wondered if Willy's chocolate factory was up to code. Now I l know for sure. LMAO Love the Obama statue. Gonna share that one with a few people.

  4. WHo's going to be president after the street lights come on... hahaha

  5. Mac, I like that: "Trickle Up Poverty." That's exactly what he did.

  6. edutcher, both fit the definition of "Libturd".

  7. Chris, now if the left wants to remove statues ...........

  8. Kid, looks like Biden forgot (or feel asleep) to fire someone.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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