Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fun Sunday . . . .

This is a perfect case of justice properly applied in
a case of animal cruelty. I just hope the red car
belonged to the guy who went flying.  Notice the
condition of the glass window after the flight.
Must be a parking ticket in his left hand!

Thanks Dan and Hal


  1. Bwahahahahahahaha on both, but the last one was the very best. He so deserved that. Cheers to the horse. I'm linking you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. LOL that poor woman getting her hopes up :-)

    He desreved that isn't good when you get great pleasure seeing someone get their comeuppance heheh!

    Have a kicktastic week

  3. At least she knows he has a safe place to sleep tonight as I'm sure the pub has rooms upstairs. I just love watching that guy get what he deserves. I'm left wondering how many times that horse will end up kicking him as he hasn't stopped yet..

  4. Tony, GIFs are the gifts that keep on giving.

  5. Sounds like something my husband would say. I'll remember to never slap a horse.

  6. You can get a lot of justice from a horse.

  7. Like that Horse gif---bet he will never slap another horse on the ass!

  8. Joyce, unlike the elephant, the horse can't remember so they action immediately.

  9. The horse GIF is from the movie Paul Blart Mall Cop's CGI.


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