Thursday, May 14, 2015

Newly Required Police Equipment

Thanks Hal


  1. LOL... so sharing the jackwagon one with my BIL. There is nothing he hates more than a jackwagon...

  2. Brighid, I never want to be thought of as one.

  3. Police Equipment: I think that the Star Wars "Imperial Walkers" would be good for the Police in Baltimore. It would keep them above the riots and make them easier to ignore.

  4. Bwahahahahahahaha. Okay, why am I laughing as this is pretty sad.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. I hope Hillary brought enough lube for everybody.

  6. LL, the one thing I noticed is Al Sharpton's camera is missing.

  7. Sandee, think of it as revenge being sweet.

  8. edutcher, I believe she prefers not to use it.

  9. I could be mistaken, but it appears that something is wrong when two white conservatives are supporting two cuban wet backs for president---Cruz and Rubio!

  10. Ron, you must be supporting Rubio then.

  11. Yea, for the moment I am a Rubio man. Found a image that reminded me of your logo and thought to pass it along bottom center pic.


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