Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Let's Visit Walmart ... Shall We

It's been a long time hasn't it.

 And ... bringing up the rear ...
It's been too long ... Thank you People of Walmart dot com (LINK)


  1. It simply serves to remind me what's right down the road...

  2. 2T2, now that's why you come here, isn't it. That is my job after all.

  3. I don't think they will let you shop there if you're not weird. I really do. God help us.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  4. Our local WalMart (spitting distance from my house) has always been pretty normal - until recently.

    What I'm starting to see around here is not quite that bad. What I am seeing is tattoos. I don't mean discrete little butterflies on someones shoulder. I mean HUGE tattoos everywhere. Full sleeves and full leg crap. And not just at Walmart.

    I was at Ross yesterday and saw a fat chick just covered in ugly tattoos. Does this tattoo make me look fat? Why, yes - yes it does. heh

    What's really alarming is how many of them are old ladies (over 50.) What the hell is up with that???

    We're descending into savagery...

  5. Actually...Ms. Tie-dye does have a nice ass. Thanks!

  6. Maybe Ebola isn't as bad as we think.

  7. Naked? Completely naked? Well, the photo is just from the rear, and you can't really see his feet, so, okay. Its a guy, right? Nevemind.

  8. Damn what's with you Odie with guy's asses!

  9. Adrienne, I haven't the faintest idea why all the body (AS IN PERMANENT!) art. I don't care for it either. Yesterday at the Homewood show there was this absolutely gorgeous 20 year old with the most distracting tattoo that covered her whole left arm. One day she'll be sorry I'm sure.

  10. Wraith, you're very welcome. All ass lovers are welcome here.

  11. Race, I think so ... looking for the dressing room?


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