Saturday, June 1, 2013

Warning to Pilots ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

FAA's new blood pressure testing method.

Warning: New procedure for testing blood pressure: I went for my annual flight medical check today and noticed that the FAA has, without consulting the flying community, developed new regulations regarding checking a pilots blood pressure. This is outrageous and will have serious consequences for all pilots!

Be warned! Fly safely!


Other Rule 5 ers:


  1. I wondered why so many pilots were red faced, I thought it was from booze!

  2. If a pilot is going to be a mile-high-club member, they need to be able to pass the test. We want the people flying the air bus to be able to #%&@ and fly at the same time.

  3. Is this test done after the cough test?

  4. I am going in for my flight training on Monday!

  5. Blood Pressure test my a$$. Looks more like hands-on training.

  6. I'm guessing they are getting their BP test several times a day? I thought so.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. Well, it certainly looks like they have a firm grip on the situation.

  8. I hate flying...but I'll give it a try.

  9. Who's the test for, the pilot or the stewardess?

  10. Odie, I see you have a mind for medicine.

  11. Supi, that's going on under the table at the same time.

  12. Ron, call it what you will, but it separates the men from the boys.

  13. Edutcher, I'll ask next time I take it ... what time is it?

  14. If that's the test, I could be a pilot.

  15. Well Odie, if this lady is the in flight nurse, I'm guessing the auto pilot will come in handy ;-)

  16. MissK, I've been on auto-pilot since I saw this ... Hubba Hubba

  17. Odie, I just had the strangest thing happened, I have discovered a new life dream of becoming a pilot. If I fail this BP test by the FAA, could I be forced to retake it several times before being allowed to fly? I am "concerned" I may fail it many times because of the jog to the clinic...

  18. Madhat, there is a requirement that compeles you to take this test at least daily until you pass it. Sorry dude.


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