Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blonde Curtains ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

 A blonde goes into a computer store and asks the clerk 
"Where do you keep the curtains for computers?" The 
clerk answers with a puzzled face "Curtains for computers? 
You don't need curtains for computers." The blonde's eyes 
widen and she shakes her head as she answers "Hello!?? 
My computer has Windows!!"


  1. Here in the mountains of North Carolina we don't call it "Windows". Everyone here knows it as "Winders".

  2. Who needs curtains? Damn I love blondes...

  3. Booti, Drapes for winders works for me.

  4. Randy, Me too. You should have seen the young blonds in bikinis at Tahoe yesterday. They even loved my work. The only problem, they had no place to put there wallet.

  5. Bless their hearts. You guys don't mind one bit that these gals aren't very smart. You're not looking for brains at all.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  6. Oy!

    That's about the way The Blonde interacts with anything Microshaft.

    This Christmas, I'm getting her an Samsung Android tablet, so there'll be no problems.

    As a nurse, she knows all about tablets.

  7. Edutcher, I'm an apple guy and I wouldn't settle for anything less than an iPad.

    1. Yeah, but don't blondes have to change their iPads every few hours at certain times of the month?

    2. Velcro, I ain't touching that one.

  8. Those blondes are sure busty. Would love to get on their PC's and work my mouse.

  9. odie, your ladies always seem to have a certain look about them.

  10. As an IT professional, I am trained to outfit Windows computers with curtains, so if any nice blondes ask, just send them my way ;)

  11. Ron, you could cause laughter at the WRONG time if you call "it" a mouse.

  12. Opie, you mean "Blond"? 2 and 3 are my favorites if that helps your analysis of me.

  13. Madhat, I'm thinking of one right now.

  14. God gave us blondes.

    I don't know where Wookies came from, but I doubt that it's the same source.


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