Friday, June 7, 2013

Liberal Logic 101

Thanks Dan !


  1. The liberals would be comic relief if they weren't running the country.

  2. "Liberal" and "logic" don't go together very well.

    That Dan Savage person ranks in the top three of the most vile people on the face of the earth. It says a lot about our "culture" that people actually listen to him and he makes money by being so disgusting.

  3. Liberal logic is an oxymoron.

  4. Adrienne, I tune them out so much that I barely know who they are.

  5. If you don't think just like them then you are something horrible. Whatever horrible is in vogue at the time. They are a joke really. They don't get that, but they are a joke.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  6. I really need a break...Everything looks upside down to me!

  7. Liberals hate us so let's get with the program and hate them back. All of them including their plantation blacks who they lead around like a bull with a ring in his nose. They scream racism when they are the real racist, but most are just to fricking dumb to see it.

  8. Cube, it is, but you're at Woodsterman, where anything is possible and dreams do come true.

  9. Sandee, It's hard to see Truth if you believe in Lies.

  10. Ron, you need to stop sugar coating your comments. So true, dude!

  11. They know who the rulers are and who the slaves are.

    Too bad for them we don't.

  12. Good ones and they ALL point out the hipocracy!!!

  13. I hope Admiral is right. Libs woe will indicate that America is headed in the right direction again.

  14. Old NFO, Ah but stay tuned, there's more great ones to come.

  15. Opie, we hope even sheeples will finally notice the REAL lib for what he is.

  16. Liberal and Logic are an oxymoron to be sure

  17. Rick, that's why it's fun to use it.


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