Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Redneck Mouse Trap

This is a redneck mouse trap. 
You can see how it works. 
A neighbor actually caught about 
a dozen mice in his garage this 
past winter with it.

Apparently, there IS a better mousetrap!
Use peanut butter for bait - 
Just put about 4'' of water in a 5 gallon 
bucket and it will do the trick.

It works better than lazy cats and you don't 
have to feed it. It is energy efficient as well. 
Can't miss. Easy to make. Looking forward to 
hearing from you when you catch your 1st rat.

Thanks David !


  1. I know of a residence on Pennsylvania Ave. that could use that!

  2. If the cats don't get em I leave a bottle with a little vegetable oil! Works every time :)

  3. That is a luxury swimming pool for rats! It is dinner and swim.

  4. A real redneck would have attached the dynamo shaft to an electric motor to power a component of his still. A mousetrap is fine, but in fly-over country (in tough economic times) even the small cost saving measures count.

  5. Randy, I tried to sneak one in, but the damn place was closed.

  6. 2T2, this one I've heard of. A lady from Reno even described it to me. The one you're talking about I haven't heard of.

  7. Supi, I've always feared the little dears would get cramps.

  8. LL, I think you need to spend more time in "fly-over" redneck country. No where in your comment did the word dynamite come up.

  9. I loves me a good redneck. They get er done.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  10. Good thinkin' thea good ole' boys! PETA should love it...Catch and release!

  11. Scotty, hold on there buddy, there's 4" of water in that bucket. Mouse or rat fur coat anyone?

  12. With that many mice in the neighborhood, you wouldn't have to feed a cat.

  13. Very clever. I'll remember it if I run out of cats. I've got 3 very active ones.

  14. Our one dog looks at the mouse and says, "You gonna do something about that?".

    Her daughter looks at the mouse and says, "Hi, I'm Quantum. Will you be my friend?".

    The third, Mighty Hunter, looks down, gives a sniff, and, when the mouse moves, jumps back, "Oh, my God! It's alive!".

  15. Boy, did you bring back some memories. I used a similar device down at the barn as a young man. I must be a redneck.

  16. Redneck mousetrap and self-filling cookie jar all in one...

  17. Juan, I used to have a cat that would catch and eat three mice a day during the summer.

  18. Cube, there's nothing better than a hungry cat.

  19. Edutcher, yeah but those are dogs, you need a cat or a redneck trap.

  20. Ron, you qualify as a redneck just being from Mississippi.

  21. We use the Cajun remedy down here. Called a 22 magnum. If you miss you still have a hole for the breeze to come through........

  22. DS, that's why I love you Cajon babes. Nothing left to chance.

  23. Marine, and then the little F'er drowns. Don't tell PETA.

  24. Think this might work on Democrats?

  25. LMAO...I do realize the implications of the waterboarding here...OK, OK Odie...Sarcasm botton/OFF.

  26. I'm so daft that I actually "save" mice that my kitteh brings home who are still alive - in particular the little tiny ones.

    Now if I could only catch pocket gophers in that contraption, I might consider it.

  27. Adrienne, can't help you, but let me know if you need help with voles.

  28. Marine, it's worked every time I've tried it.

  29. Scotty, sarcasm is good. I practice it when ever I get the chance.

  30. My cats aren't lazy until they are old and senile. That said, such a mousetrap would work well in my sheds.


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