Monday, June 17, 2013

Liberal Logic 101 . . . "Oxymoronic" Edition II

Thanks Dan!


  1. And here you are Odie, every day, helping get the word out about those hypocritical lefties. Well done!

  2. Opie, it's a tough job, but someone has to do it.

  3. Yes, but Obama did win a Nobel Peace Prize. The fact that he didn't do anything to earn it makes it all the greater achievement (scam). --it's a good example of what the Democrats can do when they put their minds to something.

  4. LL, Sheeples unite and praise our Boy King.

  5. Most democrats are insane. Insane.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  6. Wasn't Trayvon Martin shoot by a white man named Zimmerman (that sounds german to me). So it was a racist attack on a harmless black boy. Oops forgot they don't like being called "boys", unless it "boys in the hood" then they wear that badge with honor. As for poor George Zimmerman he is after all, half latino and it may just have been that part that made him pull the trigger that fateful nite---am I joking! What do you think. After all Zimmerman was just as racist as was Trayvon. Both would have gone after each other in any dark alley and rightly so. My personal opinion is that George acted in self-defense, but then I just a racist old white man that has gone through life with blinders on and been shielded from the truth of what goes on in this ole world. Nuff said.

  7. Ron, I thought I knew what you said until I thought I knew what you said.

  8. Rich is only good if you're a Lefty.

  9. Edutcher, I would take it, and not care what the left thought of me.

  10. More proof that liberalism is a mental disorder, as Savage has said!

  11. Brooke, it's true, and I've printed it here myself.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.