Saturday, May 25, 2013

Struggling Retiree ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

A pensioner’s life is not what I thought it to be,
..but I will not despair.

I too am affected by the economic crisis.


I have to eat moldy cheese.
 …and dried meat
 I have to drink old wine
 …my car has not got a roof
 …and my bathtub is in the garden

But I will continue to struggle along and
now I must protect my nose from the sun.

With a bit of courage I will survive this crisis.

Thanks David !

Other Rule 5 ers:


  1. Odie, What happened to all the dust and lint! Looks like you cleaned up your act.

  2. Some people sure a tough life. I must find a way to share their misery!

  3. Thinks are a bit rough for me as well, can you send over the nose cover with a bottle of that old wine?

  4. And I thought I had it rough. How do you manage? I need some wine now too.

  5. Think of all the money you'll save on suntan lotion.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Odie.

  6. You poor thing. You really have it rough. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  7. Opie, A guy's got to do what a guy's got to do.

  8. Ron, it's out there dude ... seek and you will find.

  9. Madhat, A young wippersnapper like you should have the nose warmers lining up to service your nose. Young Grasshopper, nose covers is an art to be nurtured as life extends itself passed what even you and I could comprehend.

  10. Lady, it's starting out great ... sun's out.

  11. Sandee, shhh, I planned it that way.

  12. Supi, yup but don't tell her husband.

  13. It always helps to have a little encouragement!

  14. And how does Mrs Odie protect her nose?

    As the punchline goes, 18 goes into 65 more times than 65 goes into 18.

    (I can't complain, that's how I met The Blonde)

  15. I just found your blog, and I think it's great. I just put it on my blo, and I hope you don't mind.

  16. Edutcher, As you can see, she's young and in control. My blonde LOVES keeping my nose in the shade.

  17. Joe, We all love sharing, and thank you for thinking enough of this dirty old man to honor him on your sidebar.

  18. Hey Odie, How 'bout adding my "classic smut" as you put it, to your Rule5ers? Pretty please with sprinkles on top... ;-)

  19. MissK, oh shhh I think a little faster than you give me credit for.

  20. All that and on the beach to boot.

  21. Admiral, nothing but the best for you.


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