Monday, May 27, 2013

Remembering . . . . .

 This was my war, so I dedicate this post to those
on this wall. My best friend Bill was one of those.
It's been a tradition to mention him here each
Memorial Day. My first post about Bill is HERE.
 Too many names .....
God bless all of those that have fallen.
Thank You for my Freedom!

Thank You Bill !


  1. Some of us talk about the evil of communism, you guys met it on the battlefield...thanks.

  2. Thank you Odie for your service. I hope Bill can hear my thanks in heaven.

  3. Thank you all that did the deed.

  4. Thank you for your service Odie.

    This post captures what this day is all about. Thank you for that too.

    Have a terrific day my friend. :)

  5. God bless you and your fellow warriors Odie...

  6. It is a time to pause and reflect on those fallen Americans, without who, we would not have the freedoms we enjoy. May God grant them eternal peace.

  7. Supi, thank you and this day is about all of the fallen Bills.

  8. Sandee, I felt the title said it best.

  9. Randy, So many gave that ultimate price.

  10. Rest in peace. Your war is over. Thank you.

  11. Odie - as I said in my post, I remember returning Vietnam vets who were spit on. It was and is one of my most horrifying memories.

    Thank you for your service to our country and to us.

    And God bless Bill...

  12. Adrienne, The fallen thank you.

    Those who spat and Jane Fonda will always have a place in my toilet bowl.

  13. Thanks, more than we can say.

    Lost a couple of friends in that one.

    And the ones that spat then are still spitting. That's how Little Zero gets away with "corpseman".

  14. Edutcher, great point ... "corpseman".

  15. Odie, thank you for your service. And prayers for Bill and his family and all of our fallen heroes.

  16. @ edutcher --
    DITTO what Odie said: GREAT POINT!

  17. And Odie --
    DITTO on Jane Fonda and the toilet bowl... DON'T FORGET TO FLUSH!

  18. It's not about being brave. It's about being willing to step up.

    Today, it's very easy not to step up. Look at the last three presidents...

  19. LL, in my day you stepped up or went to jail, but I was still proud to serve.

  20. Odie,
    Thank you for your service.

    And condolences, all these many years later, on the death of your friend Bill. Losing a best friend to war is a kind of sadness that never goes away.

  21. AOW, thank you for your thoughtfulness.

  22. I find it hard to get on the computer during the weekends, but I hope I'm not too late to thank you for your service to our country.

  23. Cube, it's never too late unless your name is Jane Fonda. Thank you very much.


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