Monday, May 13, 2013

It's Called The Truth, Hillary


  1. Her version of the truth and reality are not the same, much as all liberal liars.

  2. Sort of like my brother who once asked a cop, "Do you want my version of what happened or the truth?"

  3. Feinstein says, "We must elect Hillary. Who knows what we might get instead". The options must be horrendous to the Progs.

  4. Hillary is an expert liar. After all she learned from Bubba. Bill had Monica and Hillary had Ben Ghazi, but neither of them had relationships.

    This Benghazi thing is big! Watergate on steroids.

  5. Scott, That's why I love Feinstein so much. We hold her up as my state's finest.

  6. Ron, I hope it stays big enough to wake up all of the Sheeples.

  7. I know she's very popular, but I've never liked the Clinton's. I don't like the Obama's either. They are the same ilk.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  8. Sandee, is there anybody you like ... LOL.

  9. I think even Chelsea might be expendable if she stood in the way of Hillary! and Willie's third term.

  10. Edutcher, everyone is expendable in the Hillary world.

  11. Most of the sheeple will remain clueless

  12. Rick, but then that's why we call them sheeples.

  13. When I first heard her say that, I thought she was in trouble - it was like a little kid, a natural human defense that all parents recognize - I thought it would blow up in her face...but it has taken some time, the main stream media thought she was defiant in the face of unfair criticism, and strong, and the talk of 2016 came up. I think over time this will show for what it was, with the emails from her "building" coming out, she looks more and more like the kid with crumbs all over her face, and she is yelling, "What cookie?"

  14. The idea of expendable people upsets me. I would like to think that we Americans are better than that.

  15. Libs, at their core, place no value on life. She sickens me.

  16. Race, we know, but we must teach the sheeples to see.

  17. Cube, it's just the kind of arrogant bitch she is.

  18. Admiral, She sickens us all. Her political career is more important than human life.


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