Wednesday, December 19, 2012

They Can't Always Be At WalMart Still

Thanks Dan !


  1. Your wife digs in the backyard too?

  2. Thanks for the chuckles... OK, all except for the little boy traumatized by the naked old fart. I could've lived without that one ;-)

  3. Saggy banana ass! EW!

    And that little boy... Poor guy!

  4. The last one wasn't so bad, but the other three were awful. I had the same look on my face as that kid did in the second picture. I'm just saying.

    Brooke nailed it too. Cover that shit up.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  5. Oh, aren't you impressed that Obama is Time magazines "Person of the Year"? Yeah, me too. :(

  6. Wow. Just wow.

    Although I can't help but wonder who among us haven't taken our kids out for a "drag" when they were too tired to walk?

  7. Cube, he finally got over the shock of seeing me. He's OK now.

  8. Sandee, You and Brooke need to go easy on me.

  9. Sandee, I missed that, but I'm not surprised. Liberals ALWAYS stick together when praising their own. Hell, look at all of those phony Hollyweird awards that mean nothing.

  10. Euripides, it's been our favorite mode of transportation in Woodstermanville. The new Grandson turned two months old yesterday, so that means he's ready to start.

  11. Well, the Apocalypse IS on its way.

  12. Picture 4, so they don't have shirts on big deal?

    ...oh I get it, they're standing in her way?

  13. That bike needs all the help it can get---good she provides compassed gas!

  14. Thanks I can always have a great laugh here :)

  15. Maybe it's too soon, but...

    With all the talk about childhood trauma and later antisocial behavior, that kid in Picture 2 is going to end up in a bell tower somewhere with a high-powered rifle, a bottle of Jack, and only the voices in his head for company.

  16. Doublrtroubletwo, that's what we do here.

  17. Nate, I always thought he'd be the one that pulls the light cords in all of the closets.

  18. That first one looks like a problem I had the other day after eating some jalapenos. #3 - now I know where that quarter went that I lost.

  19. Velcro, now you know where to look ... good luck!


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