Sunday, October 14, 2012

Men Who Lack Female Supervision.

Thanks David!


  1. Hey, at least Mr. Beer Can got a tree and decorated it.

  2. Randy, it's because you're that kind of guy.

  3. I know how all that goes and approve this message...

  4. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Men are well, interesting to say the least.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  5. And some people say we need women just for the sex...

    (of course, if that's all we got...)

  6. OMG!

    That Christmas tree and the tractor-mower!

    Now, Mr. AOW will want a Christmas tree just like that one!

    I know that the VFW should have one. **smile**

  7. I want a Christmas tree just like that one.

    I need to start drinking more so that I will have enough ornaments!

    That last one works for me. Haha.

  8. I going to send Mrs. AOW to the store right now to pick up a case of ornaments.

    I know my Christmas goal!

  9. Those ornaments are the most fun to hang, too! :)

    Looking at the last one, I can certainly tell there's no woman about, or that fellow hasn't felt one's wrath yet! If my husband did that to my kitchen... Let's just say I wouldn't care how good those pancakes were!

  10. AOW, yup he's here bugging me already.

  11. Brooke, it can all be fixed, but we guys are fragile.

  12. Those images bring back memories from the farm before I got married. Crazy, but unforgetable.

  13. So that's how you trim the top of tall bushes...'Honey, get the number for that crane guy!"


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