Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dad's Cristmas List is Now Complete

For the man who has everything . . . . .

Thanks David !


  1. That's what you need Gramps, a manual chain saw!

  2. This is about the funniest thing I've seen in eons. Both hubby and I are screeching to each other from our respective offices.

    I had to give him a "liquid in mouth" alert on the "factory direct"thingy. When I got to wheel chairs and cat toys I about spewed my coffee.

    Hey, Randy - nothing wrong with a manual chainsaw. Until last year, that's all hubby ever owned. I wouldn't allow him to have a non-manual. You don't give a chainsaw to a guy who earns his living by playing a guitar, banjo, or mandolin. Simple as that.

    Last year he was allowed to have a midsize electric one and I made one of his friends come over and give him lessons. And, guess what? We bought it at a Disorganized, Understaffed, Parking Lot Sale. Hubby feels like such a big boy now!

  3. Randy, that's definitely a fire wood pee bringer, huh.

  4. Adrienne, somehow I don't think Hubby's manual chainsaw looked anything like the one pictured here ... just guessing. Electric? Well that will be used at home only.

    In my yute, I used to go out and cut 10 cords a year. Now I pay the next door neighbor for four cords of wood. He uses the money for his elf hunting trips. Everyone wins. Four cords now because we reinsulated the house.

  5. Opie, cool huh ... My favorite is the hose. Water on one end and electrical on the other.

  6. I need that whale gutting knife right now. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific Sunday Odie. :)

  7. HEY GRAND-DAD! Way to go! Next time you get down here to SoCal, we'll split a fifth of..Old Grand-Dad!

    Best wishes to the mom and Dresden!


  8. Adrienne, are you giving me my first order?

  9. TWP, thanks guy. Old grand dad huh. I guess it's my turn to try your tastes.

  10. A pneumatic slide whistle. And heavy-duty, at that!

    The possibilities are endless... Watch out kids, dogs, cats... Mwaahaahaaaaa!

  11. Brooke, You got it girl. I just bought me a roto-protaskadator. It saved my ass and worked as promised.

  12. On top of everything else, it's a Lefty's nightmare.

  13. Edutcher, you need to be ambri(something).

  14. Mail order only, I suppose! Not much of a tool man myself, are those good deals?


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