Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why Japanese Women Walk That Way


  1. And here I thought it had to do with how tight those kimonos are! LOL!

  2. As old Uncle Walter would have said, youa re one devilish hard fellow to reach, what with having no contact info, but just had to say: I just found your blog and it is incredible! And YOU made all those wooden treasures??? Mind boggling!! I must explore the site more to learn of you sell them and so on. Anyway, keep up the good work, it is appreciated!

  3. Brooke, this just proves you don't know everything.

  4. ParaPacem, If you check the sidebar, you're questions can be answered. I like to keep Woodsterman separate from the real me. From here you go to a blog that leads you to the business site.

    I should leave a can be reached email here I guess.

  5. ParaPacem, back at you. I followed you back to your site and there was no "Can be reached" for you also.

  6. I spent sometime in Japan during my hitch in the Navy and I know what Japanese girls can do with beer bottles---nuff said!

  7. @ Odie, tovarich -
    Actually, that site has been inactive for a long time; I used to have two blogs, one directed primarily at vicious satire and vile mockery of everything leftist, the other more directed toward RKBA, III%, etc. But with the illness of a loved one whcih required a lot of my time to care for, the blogging had to go by the wayside. I am surprised taht there is still anything up at the old site. But if you need me, I can be reached in a roundabout way by writing to my cuz, Jay Heathman, who has a good email address: it is jaymanx111 at gee mail dotcom.
    And i will check out your biz blog to see more of that phenomenal work!

  8. ParaPacem, I caught up to you, and I got your email.

  9. Hang out on this site enough and ALL life's mysteries will be explained lol

    Linked at RR:

    Say 'Dzien Dobry' to Miss Poland 2011 Rozalia Mancewicz!

  10. Obama Supporters!

  11. voodookobra1, Thank you for the BO supporters photo.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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