Friday, January 6, 2012

Then and Now . . .


  1. That top graphic explains why the public school system has gone to hell in a hand basket. To keep their jobs, teachers have to inflate grades.

    In fact, I was driven out of the public education system in 1977 -- when I wouldn't pass the star football player. He wasn't even CLOSE to passing Spanish and even cut the mid-term exam.

    I sleep at night, but I don't have the luxury of a public-school retirement. "No good deed goes unpunished," and all that.

    But I couldn't give Mike that "C." It would have been a lie.

  2. I am at a loss for words on this one.

  3. Odie - where did you get that photo of me with my new TV???

  4. Pissed I, I'm at a loss with yours also.

  5. Adrienne, Oh come on. Your TV is bigger than that isn't it.

    Actually it's me.

  6. Same here in England where high schools have had 'improved' exam reults every year for something like 23 years straight while some Universities now have to offer remedial education before students can begin to study their subject of choice (ie how to read and write and do sums).

  7. Like AOW I too left the public school system. During my years I had to pass failures to make room for those coming in the following year---just the way it was. And then it was the federal courts. Our schools today cater to the lowest common denominator---put simply those at the top must come down to the level of those at the bottom. Sounds like Obama's plan for the economy when you stop and think about it.

  8. Remedial English and Math are the two most attended college courses. It's no wonder the Asians are kicking our asses academically.

    I have had the doubtful pleasure of reading a lot of police reports written by college graduates. I wrote better that that in Jr. High. Awful, simply awful.

  9. Literacy is hard to come by these days.

  10. So true. I wanted to discuss my son's grade with his teacher, but in the vein of "what is his weakness, where can we work on it at home"...but I know in today's environment, it would be difficult to not come off as "my son deserves a better grade." Sad.

  11. Those pictures are oh so true. Its sad. Many parents along with their kids need to grow up nowadays.

  12. sig94...Ditto, where is the pride? And the Sgts who sign off on those?

  13. Ron, socialism works every time it's tried in in their eyes.

  14. Sig94, their next job is to kill the English language.

  15. Race, I remember my father talking to my teachers many times trying to get information about how to help me at home. Those times are disappearing I'm afraid.

  16. Teresa, pride in ones self is not taught or encouraged at home I'm sorry to say.

  17. Race, it has to be taught at home and it's not.


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