Thursday, January 5, 2012

Three For Thursday ... Again

Life at the Woodsterman household.


  1. If only wake up notifications were so gentle.

    What relations are those?

    Yes, please Nana to a home or glue factory please.

  2. About the sexual relations joke....I came up with the same answer they did. :(

  3. With her method of being a wife, I surprised he was ever able to get in the supine position with his eyelids closed.

  4. Mr AOW, there's a lot of that going around.

  5. I didn't get a damn card from those relations either...

  6. Randy, maybe we need to "write" first.

  7. Everything is being done online, don't they know...Wake up calls to sexual relations. No wonder the guy wants to sleep.

  8. That first lady needed a hard cover book if she wanted to get anything done.

  9. "Sexual Relations" my last time was in the Zona Rojo mixed with a shot of tequila south of the border--I think!!!!

  10. Stopsign, I think if you consider her size, it doesn't really matter what she's swinging.

  11. The pic with the shirt showing Pelosi is great. She needs to receive the "very best" care that Obamacare can give.

  12. Teresa, you're right, but she exempted herself.


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