Saturday, January 28, 2012

Math? ~ OR ~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Thanks Dan !


  1. Odie, I get posts like these when I put up some video embed links. They disappear. I found You Tube links are best. Fox News vid links always disappear on me and leave a blank post.

  2. Opie, I preposted this, but edited it with the "Thanks Dan !" and it went kablewy. It's back now.

  3. They are really stupid.
    They aren't even that pretty to be so stupid.
    No wonder we're falling behind. This is what schools are producing these days????? We're doomed.

  4. Bunni, If it makes you feel any better, I've heard this was fake. Still funny though huh.

  5. Odie, "aliens and how to make basic mixed drinks" in elementary school? LOL. Funny joke post.

    And I can imagine lots of guys would be OK dating gals with cotton candy for brains. As long as they say "yes" to any question that is asked....

  6. there is simply no hope for our country. Have you seen Leno go on the street and ask who the VP is and most people don't know?
    Ask where Iraq is, they don't know?

  7. Thanks Odie for the laugh as always!

    Best line; "Math should be left out of the equation",,LMAO

  8. Z, I love those Jay-Walk bits. The VP question I understand however. I'd like to forget who it is also.

  9. Christopher, Math is a dangerous topic. It makes one think.

  10. Oh... Those are truly bad... :-)

  11. LMAO!! They need help. Serious help. Those women were so dumb I had to laugh.

  12. Most of those girls looked like they should have really studied hard in school.

  13. RR, they believe everything I tell them.


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