Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wally World with a Whole Different Look #2

 You guess!

 Walmart Brand Spirits

 Rib Cages.

Assorted Dried Reptiles.

Beautiful Boxes Of Liquor.

A thank you and H/T to Stopsign


  1. I didn't know they had that many dogs in China...
    And WTF is that first picture? Intestines?

  2. I don't know what the first picture is but it is pricey compared to the other meats. Wonder if the Chinese look at our Wally World meat department pictures and think we are having a shortage.

  3. I have never been to WalMart in China but I have been to more than one Costco in the 'worker's paradise' and they have little resemblance to Costco's in the US. One of the most notable exceptions is an almost COMPLETE lack of parking. You are expected to arrive and depart in a taxi.

  4. Randy, that's why it says "You Guess".

  5. That first photo is absolutely disgusting. Let's order some for Obama's next soiree at the WH.

  6. Lady, "Obama's next soiree at the WH." good one ... you crack me up with that one ye funny Lady!

  7. Stopsign, I ate everything on the screen and I'm still hungry.

  8. Admiral, now that's the attitude I was looking for.

  9. That first pic - got to be somehow connected to serial castration.

  10. sig94, I would say something closer to impaling.


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