Thursday, March 10, 2011

Went Through A "Stopsign" On The Way To WalMart? #4

After doing some extensive research (and by that I mean sh*t I just made up) we have concluded
that at some point that shirt was once whole, and at another point in time it became stretched-torn and hanging on by  the seams as you see it now. But for some reason our research cannot conclude when that point in time exactly was. However, the Issac Newton in me is
guessing it occurred right when she put it on.
Why does it look like you started to put on another shirt then got tired and
just decided to say f*** it? Also, you back looks like a frog’s face and that makes me happy.
Hey, what gives!? She has her body covered and she isn’t wearing anything too crazy!
So she has big boobs, so what? – All true statements. However, it looks like she is trying
to smuggle watermelons right in front of an employee and that’s funny to me. 
 I plead the fifth…
Thank you and Hat/Tip to our friend Stopsign


  1. Thanks Odie, I have now lost 5 lbs from either skipping breakfast or losing it....

  2. I hope Walmart doesn't have the policy "If you break it, You buy it" If so,that scale is SOLD

  3. I am finding the first picture pants she is wearing very disturbing.

  4. Randy, glad I could help. You really need to check the warning in the sidebar.

  5. Stopsign, she's going to have to pay for it.

  6. Supi, it's great how you can compartmentalize because I find them all equally disturbing.

  7. WHT, they're hiding in sporting goods and electronics.

  8. These pictures are more lumpy than my wife's mashed potatoes.

  9. After she stood on the scale, I'm sure that anyone after her would weigh 100 lbs less (compressed spring). It would be a popular scale!

    However, I'm thinking that WalMart needs a truck scale. I'm not cruel enough to suggest why - but it just does.

  10. LL, you are indeed a man with a very gentle heart.

  11. Admiral, the more to squeeze her honey with.

  12. LL: Truck scale. LOL

    So much cellulite. So little time.

  13. Euripides, there's always time for cellulite.

  14. I suspect that the men of WalMart prefer women with 'long' breasts based on the photos. Non WalMart men seem to prefer "big" breasts over "long" breasts.

    Is there some sort of Darwinian significance that I'm missing here?

  15. LL, I can't answer that except in my day to day normal life I prefer large breasts. I have noticed when I'm in Walmart I am drawn to long breasts. I think you're on to something.

  16. Woodie, please stop, these are giving me nightmares.


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