Sunday, March 6, 2011

Always Put Paint in the Trunk

A Lesson learned

The ambulance driver wouldn't let the female paramedic out of the ambulance because she couldn’t stop laughing..........

The people in the blue car had a 25-liter bucket of paint 
on the back seat.  They got hit  by the silver car.

I wonder if the driver was texting?


  1. Hilarious....Was that a satin or gloss?

  2. I should'nt laugh but that is funny.

    Looking at the car that had the paint it does not seem to have a trunk though making a good case for buying real cars.

  3. well, it is one way to hide those annoying spills and stains in the back seats.
    meow out lowd.

    Mom puts her paint in the back of her rdx -- in an olde cooler even.

    Is spilled paint worse than spilled milk?

    bonks for a snappy day

  4. I'm glad someone stopped laughing long enough to get these pictures.

  5. Thinking about the colors the paint could have been. I hope they were walking distance from home.

  6. maybe they could have strapped to the roof

  7. Randy, I would say from here, it looks like gloss.

  8. Christopher, I noticed that too, but a "reporter" can't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

  9. Pierro, all you can still cry over it I wouldn't recommend drinking it ... Bonkster Out!

  10. Stopsign, are you sure about that? If you use a quick shutter speed you can usually cancel out the movement from laughing.

  11. Supi, I'll bet the seen at home was even funnier.

  12. Endo, maybe the other car would have gotten painted then ... good idea.

  13. Odie - Sometimes the scene at my home is quite funny with paint.

  14. Supi, so what you're trying to tell me is this could be you after a session at the easel?

  15. I don't believe any of this. I smell a whitewash!

  16. That's what I call paintin' the town!

  17. That is the funniest way to total a car I've seen yet.

  18. I once picked up a mate going to a wedding. He was all done up in full Highlander gear, I asked him to put the Claymore in the 'trunk'; he asked me why?

    A Claymore is a very large sword.

  19. I hope they had some primer. I hate to see all that paint go to ruined.

  20. Nickie, if it were you I was always trying to please, your name would always be in the title. something like, "Always put Nickie in the Trunk."

  21. Euripides, and there's enough paint to do it too.

  22. Opie, com'on once the paint is dry it'll be as good as new.

  23. Trestin, everything seems to have a good coat of fresh paint to me.

  24. That does look funny. Dang, paint went everywhere. I hope they are able to remove the paint from the car.

  25. Teresa, the best thing to do is for them to roll around against a wall before they go home.


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