Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Went Through A "Stopsign" On The Way To WalMart? #3

It’s “bring sexy back” not “bring sexy across your whole back-side”.
Thanks for ruining such a great word by the way.
Oh good, I was getting sick of seeing ass-cracks. I’m glad you decided to instead
show us all your gutt-crack. It’s a pleasant change of scenery.
 Really? Do you think when you dress? Did you toss on your shorts because, well hey they rock,
then just go ahead and grab the shirt your kid just jammed into the paper shredder? 
Question: If you are drawing on ridiculous looking eyebrows why not draw them like The Rock's.
Thank You and Hat/Tip to our friend Stopsign


  1. Who threw the "Rock"?

    BTW~How can I stop people from taking pictures of me in that place now?

  2. My oatmeal is coming back up....

  3. Stopsign, that's the beauty of it ... you can't.

  4. Randy, you forgot to read the warning label here at Woodsterman.

  5. It takes hideous to a whole new level.

  6. Strange eyebrows goes with her strange lips.

  7. Cracks galore... Oh my! No digging allowed!

    Brain bleach?

  8. Supi, she's a cartoon character in real life.

  9. Teresa, com'on don't be such a party pooper.

  10. The last one ,,,, I just can't imagine waking up in the morning to,,,,

  11. Why do these Wal-Mart posts make me so lightheaded?

  12. I always learn something here, Odie. I did not know there was such a thing as a "gutt-crack". (It actually looks like she twisted her butt around to the front.)

  13. If one needs 4" letters to spell "sexy" on one's butt, it probably isn't.

  14. I've seen Aaaaaaarnold driving his Humvee. I've seen John Lithgow in the halls at UCLA. I've seen David Hyde Pierce on the streets of New York. But I've never seen The Rock at a Walmart. Somehow I don't think the chances are good of that ever happening.

  15. Whew. Glad that's over. That was a tough one to get through, Odie, but as you know, Californians are tough.

  16. They certainly did NOT bring sexy back, Odie.

  17. Nickie, it's because of the funny air in the Walmart you just left.

  18. Lady, I love it when a reader admits to being "Enlightened".

  19. Euripides, it just means you haven't made enough trips to Walmart.

  20. Opie, we have to be tough. After all, Moonbeam is Governor.

  21. Bunni, sexy is in the eye of the beholder.

  22. The woman reminds me of someone I met online. Needless to say, she looked better in her photo.

  23. PARNELL, You have to watch out. Most women walmart shoppers are internet daters.


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