Monday, August 23, 2010

Toons Getting Tougher - About Time

Thanks Dan


  1. THese toon say it all! I've noticed the trend in the last month or so too! It's about time, Odie.

  2. I would be laughing if I wasn't crying.
    The first one is exactly true. what a mess this regime has created!

  3. oh oops that would be the SECOND cartoon. What a mess!

    the first one is just plain funny


  4. Pierro, We'll all have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. The mess they have created so far is a complete nightmare, but then that's what the Libs are counting on.

  5. Like editorial toons of two centuries ago, honest and hard-hitting. Like you say Odie, about time.

  6. These are all brilliant, Odie, but I especially like the second one!

  7. Christopher, good things come to he who waits.

  8. Spidey, the second one seems to be everyone's favorite.

  9. I am sort of partial to the prison cell... It's so unfortunate that people can enter the US illegally and not be punished, but someone who doesn't purchase health insurance can do some time!

  10. Righty, It's always fair to punish the easy to get at citizens over the hard to find illegals under the "Liberal Rules of the Day".

  11. Opie, we all have to work hard and keep our fingers crossed.

  12. The golf one is great.

  13. Hi Trestin, I have to admit I like them all.


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