Tuesday, August 24, 2010


  1. It's the only warmth that old crone can provide.

  2. Nickie, and from the look on his face, the old crone can't even enjoy that.

  3. Those are the two most BUTT UGLY assholes I've ever seen (besides barry and MOOshell, of course).

    Good Work, Odie.

  4. I hope they both get thrown out of their leadership positions on their ears.

  5. Oh Bunni, How can you be so judgmental? They've done it all for, oh whether you wanted them to or not.

  6. Opie, Leadership? I hope they get their collective asses kicked in the election.

  7. I bet that old witch's farts honk to high heaven, Odie, I certainly wouldn't want to stand behind her to find out!!!! :-D

  8. Spidey, Old Reid has to have some really tough hands.


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