Monday, August 2, 2010

Those Wascally Walmart Shoppers

Well, it is summer now, which means that we all get to witness more gems, than we wanted,  like this one.
 Why do I have a feeling Jim Henson is behind her......working her arms?
  Ummm, I think you might need something more than the pine tree air-freshener.  
It’s a start......not where I would have started.......but it’s a start.

 C'mon now, on a scale of 1 to 10, where do you think his level of 'giving a f***' is?  I am seriously jealous of this dude.  
The only thing this guy is missing is a bedazzled jean jacket to match his purdy pink sparkly bedazzled belt.

Thanks Dan


  1. The old man, that would be something my dad would do when my mom's nieces and nephews showed up for a rare visit. They were under the impression we had a super fun dad. I would never describe my dad as fun.

  2. Supi, Dad's are like that. I'm now finding out, as a Dad, that it's our job to embarrass the hell out of the rest of the family.

  3. Second frame looks like Gollum eying his precious

    Third frame just reminds me way too much of my 5th grade flag football coach.

    And hotdog man is my new hero.

  4. innominatus, Hot dog man is everyone's hero.

  5. It almost makes up for the fact that I can't shop there for the nice low prices. Maybe I'm better off, If I had to run into these nuts.

  6. If I should enter a WallMart, I'm embarrassed that somebody might feel as if I belong there...

  7. Mr. Hot Dog Man's relatives should be reported for elder abuse.

  8. Opus #6 - alert the EPA that the shart-man is about to perpetrate a crime against the environment.

  9. Sweet! Now I'm going to have nightmares.

  10. Odie,

    Scaling the heights, plumbing the depths of the human experience. This has gotta be the Wide-World-of-Sports-ski-jumper-falling-off-the-ramp equivalent.

    (Cue the ABC theme.)

  11. Opie, He's the normal one in the family.

  12. )O(, you read everyone's mind that has seen this.

  13. I love these comments.
    Even in hot weather, people should dress better.


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