Thursday, August 5, 2010

Those Wascally Walmart Shoppers III

Listen hunny, the “ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL” tag is lying to you, so I suggest we try things on before we buy.
Your first move should be checking that backpack for a pair of underwear.  If there are none in there, well,
you ARE at a store that sells underwear.  Problem solved.  I would move on to pants.......but...... I don’t
want to get too far ahead.........and lose you.
OOOOWWW, she’s a BRICK (da-na-na-na) HOUSE.  She’s MIGHTY-MIGHTY, just LETTIN’ it ALL hang-out.
Just 'cuz you have the 'all-natural' sleeves thing goin' on, doesn't mean the rest of us are cool with you wearing your  top.
I wonder if she can 'tie ‘em in a knot or tie ‘em in a bow'......because unfortunately, I already know they 'wobble to an fro’.




  1. Dang Odie, these people vote...

  2. At first I thought she might be pregnant. Then I realized those were breasts...

  3. LL, there's just something about not giving a damn.

  4. I bet she knew the entire V and JV football squads in high school.

  5. OMG, me too! I thought, that is a high-carried and oddly shaped pregnancy. And she looks awfully old for that. Hey, wait a minute....

  6. Man. Without the "wobble" clue I'd have thought she was trying to shoplift a giant 4-cheese deli loaf.

  7. OMG!! Odie. That was so revolting! AAAHHH!! That was really scary!!

  8. Yeah, the one-size-fits-all aisle ain't gonna help those belt boobs either.

    Damn, in what aisle do they keep the brain bleach?

  9. WOW, these are the WORST yet.
    I am scared to go shopping now.

  10. Teresa, you have such an eye for "ART".


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