Saturday, August 7, 2010

Those Wascally Walmart Shoppers IV

I cannot confirm if this is indeed THE Little Miss Muffet.  Mainly because I have no idea what a tuffet looks like.
How does one manage to make it look like they've tucked their ass into their pants like a shirt?
 Oh, the humanity.  How did we get to this point as a species??? 
 At what point does a person just say  “F*ck it, I don’t need to put on shoes or pants”?  Most people in the
world would put pants on to walk into another room of the house, or if not that, then they would put some
on if they're going to the street to get their mail.  And you made it to Walmart.

 I know what a muffin-top is, but I’ve never seen a muffin-back.  I think there needs to be a better word for it, so, I'm open to suggestions.


  1. This is the laugh that I needed so much this week!
    Thanks for it.

  2. Joseph, I'm glad I could help. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. At least pretty in pink is fully clothe.

    Men, don't arm wrestle with tuck in butt. It takes strength to zip up those pants. There's one question she apparently never asks her man, "Does my butt look big?"

  4. Supi, We would ask her which part, the over flow or the constrained.

  5. These are SO FUNNY!
    I need a laugh too,
    I was going to comment what Supi did...ha ha.
    GMTA, She looks so demure and could clothe the entire store.

    How do you leave the house w/out pants, shoes, etc.
    Have a fun weekend.

  6. Bunny, She grab her skinny son's jeans by mistake.

    The show I'm doing this weekend has been looking like these photos.

  7. Miss Muffet is the most unique, the rest are available at trailer parks everywhere,

  8. I don't envy you with the clientele like these at your show. Good luck and I hope you sell lots of stuff.

  9. instead of muffin top, how about we call this one,
    'bread rising'. :)

  10. "Muffin top" is called back fat.

    I had to pour Clorex in my eyes after those pics. We live about 5 minutes from our local WalMart and, thankfully, we never see stuff like that.

    We do see little tiny kids being dragged around the store at midnight (one of my preferred times for sneaking in there.)

  11. Its more like a backalanche!
    There's some real proud people over there Odie!

  12. found a picture you may way to send it to you so heres the link!

    sorry its so big , dont know how to do it any other way! enjoy, I hope you will, though it depends what country youre from!!

  13. These pics are funny Odie! Thanks for the much needed laugh.

    Why the hell would any body want to show off either that underwear or that fat butt? And, leaving the house without pants?

    What a bunch of raggamuffins....

  14. Opie, that's where I keep running into them.

  15. Bunni, today was worse than yesterday.

  16. Pedaling, how about the part above the gooey part after a day in those jeans.

  17. Adrienne, Be proud ... no need for sneaking.

  18. Indy, There's no need not to be proud, hell just look at them.

  19. Teresa, Woodsterman needs this, or he'll stop finding GOOD stuff we've all learned to love.

  20. I'm so busy this weekend, so I can't do you new commenters justice. For now I'd like to say thank you, and you did't come unnoticed.

  21. #1 looks as if she drank a bit too much of the "herro kitty" kool-aid.

    The rest of them simply look like the people who shop at the Wal-Mart near where I live. They can be seen lumbering down the aisles at any time of the day in all their hideously inked-up glory.


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