Monday, August 9, 2010

Those Wascally Walmart Shoppers V

OH COME ON!  Are you actually going to stand there and tell me you don't even feel a breeze?
 Hey!  They don’t make 'tube-bottoms' for a reason.
 "I’m sorry sir, but those Christmas hams put you over the 12 item limit for this line."
 ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS:  "Warm weather is now here as we start the summer, and so is the unfortunate “Swamp Ass” epidemic.  Be aware-- and try to stay dry.
 The irony here is overwhelming.  I’m just going to sit back and let you soak it in.


  1. HAhahahaaaaa!,love the last picture Odie!

  2. Indy, it's a little trashy for my tastes. Did you catch the common thyme in the other four?

  3. Maybe they are advertising they don't have tats there. Pauses for a moment to think about that. Naw, they aren't advertising lack of tats there.

  4. Supi, I'll bet there aren't a lack of tats anywhere. We're just not looking at the right body part.

  5. Chritopher, Use your imagination of what it would be like without ... it'll come to you.

  6. LOL Odie,

    I do understand but it seems a useless accessory at this point, maybe he just needs to adjust them better to take the slack out of them.

  7. Christopher, the pants would drop to his knees and you would wind up with a naked old man rolling around on a Walmart's floor. Actually, just another normal day at Walmart.

  8. I've seen large-curd cottage cheese that was less lumpy than hamboy's bottom.

  9. The coin slots are not inviting.

    I doubt that I'd put a penny in...

  10. None of your WalMart women could possibly be of any assistance to you in woodworking.

  11. innominatus, That must be why I don't like cottage cheese.

  12. LL, I can't think of any reason to argue that point. It would definitely be softer woods.

  13. Are these the "air up there" Wal-Mart awards?

    The last pic was great!

  14. Teresa, I think that last one is kinda trashy.


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