Tuesday, July 20, 2010


  1. Constitutionally mandated functions of government are essential to formation of a society: Coining money, raising a military, establishing national standards for weights and measures, a court system, etc.

    However, government was never intended to be the solution for all of our ills. When governments do that, they become despotic and destroy the fabric of society. Usually one or another amasses enough power to pronounce himself king, and the rest of us set about humoring his every whim.

  2. I wish that Newt actually lived up to his quotes. He is simply another party hack that will do what is easy instead of what is right.

  3. They put government in the place of God. The problem? Government is made up of people.

  4. Good Quote, I also like Newt on YouTube saying Ronald Reagan told the truth, and obummer lies.

    It's a shame liberals wake up each morning, period.

  5. LL, that's probably why Obama keeps trying to by-pass Congress ... he wants to be King.

  6. Conservative Girl, very RINOish, Huh.

  7. Opie, it is and that's why it's here.

  8. Kristin, I don't even classify some of them as people.

  9. Bunni, you are so close to the way I think at times.

  10. Newt has a way with words, but I think he's way off on this one... Most liberals don't bother to get out of bed until the afternoon.

  11. better yet, they don't care what the question is...

  12. innominatus, duly noted and I believe you're right.

  13. UKs Cabinet Office (which is the one that surrounds and services the Prime Minister) has expanded X 18 times under the 13 years of the former labour administration.
    We are no better governed.

    It was satirised by the brilliant BBC comedy Yes Minister as The Department For Administrative Affairs, there's loads of it on Youtube.

  14. Banned, I think some of those aired here too. I caught a couple of them.


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