Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Redneck Women ....

I jist caint hep maself !


  1. Oh no .... my husband promised me he wouldn't put the video on You Tube!!

  2. They are just having a little bit of fun. That's all. lol

  3. Lady, that's between you and your husband, but I do want to thank him.

  4. There's something about a redneck woman - barefoot, earthy and a little dirty - that turns a redneck man to thinking about love.

  5. Just another reason to cling onto to your guns, would'nt want them in the wrong hands,,lol

  6. I'm at work ... gotta stop back and watch this later. Shhhh! I was never here.

  7. Christopher, That could be quite dangerous.

  8. there are redneck women and then there are redneck women. let's just say these are not the good ones.

  9. Right, I beg to differ ... they're all good. Some are just a LITTLE better than others.

  10. Redneck women are the bomb! And, these women know how to get down and dirty. That's what I call fun.

  11. You know what I noticed (beside the obvious)? They all seemed to take things in stride. They (if able) got right up, mostly with sheepish grins.

    I dare the current "Colon-In-Chief" to show such thick skin...

    YYYEEEEEHHHHAAAA for Redneck Women!


  12. LTB, I guess I'll have to post more redneck women here.

  13. Odie, it's another typical party here in Redneck country... yup that was mom showing her bloomers again as she rolled down that slide and Auntie trying to catch the bouquet and tripping all the other single redneck women... the moonshine here is stellar and the girls all get prettier at closin' time! YeeeHaw!


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.