Thursday, June 10, 2010

Don't Honk At Old People ....


  1. Old age and treachery. Gotta love it.

  2. Go, Granny Go!
    She should have hit the guy in the head w/ her bag.

  3. Supi, yes I love it ... hell that's me. Plus you have to throw in an air bag.

  4. Bunni, those air bags are close to $6,000.00 to reinstall from what I understand. She got him real good.

  5. WOW! That handbag should be licensed as a lethal weapon!

  6. Great videos, Odie. Thanks for posting them all. This one is funny and the one of Boxer is great.

  7. Conservative Lady, I'm glad you appreciate humor poked at the left side.

  8. I LOVE IT!

    I wonder if we can get her within "handbag range" of Obama, just to knock some sense into him....

    Just sayin'...

    (No Granny purses were injured in the posting of this comment).

  9. LTB, that would take an awful lot of knocking.

    I just, a few minutes ago, took a really good look at your name. Did your parents realize what a great favor they would be doing you in the future?

  10. This is a great vid. Don't mess with Granny!

  11. Right, we can only hope and believe in "Granny Power"!

  12. Very funny but over here some Police Community Support Officer would invent that into a crime and arrest the old lady (they always go for the easy tartget).

  13. Banned, do you mean to tell me the cops would pinch an old lady?

  14. Kristin, she reminds me of me on my walkabouts.


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