Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Libturd Tuesday ~ Memes


Thanks FBers


  1. From the look of David Hogg's biceps, he's never lifted anything heavier than his boyfriend's penis.

  2. That's the John Kennedy I like.

    PS Trans may be a male, but a man?

  3. I noted 'scratch Trump & Musk's eyes out'. Sounds feminine to me.

  4. The only Dr Pepper David drinks is Diet Strawberry Cream, with extra cream.


  5. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyFebruary 26, 2025 at 5:05 PM

    "Trans women" - men who pose as women. First time I met and worked with a trans person was in 1987 or so in D.C. Daniel was becoming Dannielle, dresses and everything. Career Army, Hawk missiles, had a family with grown kids, and for whatever reason decided to transition. He was a homely man and a butt ugly woman at 6' + tall. Thing is, he was really good at this job, really personable, did not insist that we call him a girl, although we all did call him Danielle; I'd call him Fred Flintstone if he wanted as long as he did not want to be play Wilma. No fuss, no muss. Good guy. I liked him.

    Years later living in Seattle, I was at a local food store and the cashier was a "trans woman." Gotta admit, great make up, on-point hair styling, very fashionable dress. Did not look at all like the freaky looking ones who pose as women. He wore a button that read, "Trans-women are WOMEN. Period." I was tempted to ask him "When did you get your first?" He'd likely ask, "First what?" "Period. Your first period," I would have replied. But, it was a busy Sunday afternoon for the store, and I did not want to be cruel to the guy nor did I want to cause a kerfuffle for the folks in line behind me. Still, I know what puberty is like for girls and that men would appropriate the emotional difficulties, physical pain of periods and breast growth and proclaim that THEY are women as this clown did is disgusting. Dress up all you want, act like Rue Paul's best pal, whatever, but keep it tight, you know? Don't expect me to acquiesce to that delusion to any more degree than politeness.

    1. Rickvid, well put! I always say, "You can be what ever you want, but just don't expect me to play along."


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