Sunday, February 9, 2025

Happy Super-Funday ~ Allyson Felix

When Allyson Felix, a renowned Olympic athlete, discovered she was expecting, her primary sponsor, Nike, was prepared to reduce her endorsement agreement by up to 70% and advised her to 'know her place and just run.' However, Felix did not accept the offer and instead chose to leave Nike to start her own line of running shoes called Saysh One. Despite giving birth to her daughter via an emergency c-section seven months into her pregnancy and spending over a month in the NICU, Felix made an incredible comeback and qualified for her fifth Olympics. She proudly wore her brand of running shoes and went on to win 11 medals, surpassing Carl Lewis for the most track and field medals by an American in history. In addition, Felix has partnered with Pampers to launch the first-ever nursery at the Olympic Village, providing a space for Olympic mothers to bond with and nurse their babies amid their competitions. 

Enjoy the Super Bowl


  1. Great job, some brands have no sense at the possibility of a great that bit at the bank.

    1. Anon, I think we're dealing with the best of all outcomes.

  2. Hey Nike, stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Way to go lady. I hope your shoe venture makes you a lot of moolah.

  3. God bless her.
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, sometimes it's fun saying no to the big money.

  4. We need a lot more folks like her! Posing with her C section, she's got more balls than our congress critters.

  5. That is one heck of a great story. It should be taught in all public schools.

    With regard to the Super Bowl... I never turned on my TV for even one second to watch that display of garbage.


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