Thursday, February 13, 2025

Libturd Thursday Is Here ~ AM


Can't you hear Tucker laughing right now.

Thanks FBers


  1. Sir,
    The post here about the world's richest man dismantling an organization that feeds the poorest kids on earth.... that's a bit disingenuous, dontcha think? USAID seems to not have fed anyone, anywhere, ever in its history. It said it did, but there are huge discrepancies between the money it got and the money it spent on aid.
    So much grift... no wonder the left is screaming when it's being cut off at last.
    We should do Global Affairs Canada next.
    Mike in Canada

    1. Mike Sir, how about if you were a Libturd, and thought he was doing that. Makes perfect sense that away. You see, they still don't believe all of this yet.

      OR, I settle for the memes I can get. LOL.

    2. That stood out for me too! ("organization that feeds the poorest kids on earth") ...whatever libtard anus magnus came up with that, conveniently neglected to mention the other not-so-worthy "organizations" and "causes" also fed by USAID. I'm sure that DOGE will continue to feed those poorest kids if found to be a valid charity, and not a front for another grift... OK in Connecticut

    3. Anon, I guess I'm less than perfect.

  2. The richest man on Earth is dismantling the biggest fraud organization on Earth. The only thing it feeds is DemoRATS pocket books...

  3. #7 : Don't you mean "... dismantling the organization that DOESN'T feed the poorest children ..."?

    As I see it, Elon is exposing a wildly corrupt government that is not doing what it is tasked to do, but is rather lining the pockets of corrupt officials and terrorist groups.

  4. Last 2--bing-effing-o. Hope they find out how AOC, she of the high IQ, is now worth millions.

  5. Love the 3 Musketeers and Trump should be 45, 46, and 47 while Idiot should be 0.


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