Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why There Are More Women Than Men (4)

Thanks Ron (LINK)


  1. The first one stood the hair on the back of my neck…but the third - can you contact those guys, I have a couple bulbs out.

    1. Race, that first one is a winner. If you look closely those are metal cross arms, and ground is very close. I'll get a hold of those guys for you.

  2. This explains so much Odie. So very much. Bwahahahahahaha.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. I missed this set this past week and had to go back and view them all. You know, I started flying planes at an early age and enjoyed that, but you will never see me up on a pole or ladder like those guys....

    1. Euripides, I to took flying lessons (then got drafted after my solo) and with the telephone company got to know ladders intimately.

  4. I blame Larry the Cable Guy and that whole "Get 'er done" schtick. It shames rednecks into getting it done in an innovative way.

  5. My man is fearless, but he's not as stupid as these idiot.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What, you never climbed up on a bunch of your old school books to change the light bulb in the ceiling?


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