Sunday, February 1, 2015

Great Super Bowl ... But ...

What effing high school produced that half time show?

Had to vent a bit. I'm sure some don't agree, but great
Super Bowl ... But ...
Can't wait to hear from you ...


  1. I don't watch the half-time or the commercials.

    It was a great game, dumb play call cancelled out a great(and lucky) catch.

    1. Joeh, I never miss the commercials, but there were several mistakes made in that game. It was a great game none the less.

  2. Replies
    1. GOODSTUFF, good props and sound would have been nice too.

  3. Superbowl? Is that what that was?! I only had it on 'cause, as I would walk by, I noticed some bouncing and cleavage. Like Goodstuff said, though, there just didn't seem to be enough of it.

    1. Chuck, I just felt it looked like amateur hour at halftime.

  4. At least she can sing live. A few years ago an alternate channel (I think it was Fox on a year they didn't have it) advertised heavy to change the channel for their halftime show. I think that is great marketing for people who don't want to watch the concert. But, the networks probably got together and agreed not to do that to each other...

    1. Race, Maybe it's my TV, but I thought the sound was second rate. I think Pepsi got ripped off.

  5. I didn't see the game or the halftime show so I can't weigh in. Sounds like the game was a nail biter one and that's always good.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

    1. It was a great game. Since I don't root for either team it was really great to watch.

  6. Odie, I think the guy who called in that last gasp play for the Seahawks also produced the halftime show. Both were ill-advised, idiotic and left me fearing that brain cells were irreparably damaged.

  7. Sig94, well Seattle is one of the liberal mecas of the world.

  8. All I need to know about this airhead, is that she married Russell Brand.

    1. Chewydog (love the name), That is a great point, but I'm out of touch and didn't even know that. She's really pissed at him now for wishing her good luck.

    2. Yeah, some women are tainted by their partner choices. For instance, I can never see Carmen Electra in the same light after marrying Dennis Rodman.

  9. SB49 was a great game until the very end. What a bad call.

    I don't know Katy Perry's music, but I thought the half time show was enjoyable. Loved the tiger and the dancing sharks. Much better than Beyonce gyrating her enormous buttocks.


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