Sunday, November 16, 2014

Where Would We Be Without Signs ~ Tres

Thank You Mr. Trailbee !


  1. Oh these are good and especially the last one.

    I linked you to Silly Sunday.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. :)

  2. Sandee, I always love saving the best for last.

  3. Great signs! :D I loved all of them ... but especially the one about coffee. I've never been quite sure if I've had enough - now I'll know for sure! Thanks Odie! These were a great laugh!

  4. The Senator's uniforms with sponsorship patches is an idea whose time has come.

  5. The coffee quote was good. Which reminds me, mine's getting cold!

  6. Marcia, Mrs. Woodsterman, being a quilter, loved it also.

  7. LL, will McConnell's suit be big enough?

  8. Proof, sounds like we both need warmy cups.

  9. Some years ago, an ad agency did billboards similar to the top one for a national reading advocacy group. Months were spent and millions were billed by the ad agency for concept, art and final printing by the billboard company. It was just after the first few boards went up that someone, who (evidently) could read, saw one, called the national reading advocacy number and asked, "Is this a joke?" He actually had to explain to them what they had done.

    Uuuh, face palm moment.

    Common sense has, apparently, been fading for some time.

  10. I'm beginning to think my balls and useless and I'm quite tired of carrying all that weight. I wonder if my Vet could help out?


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