Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Good, The Bad, and The Stupid . . .

This last one makes want to say something,
But I'm cool.


  1. I'm too stupid to get these. Oh, wait! No I'm not.

    Over my almost 69 years I've been called stupid so many times by my commie brother, I'm totally down with it.

    Hope you're both getting some much needed rest.

  2. That last one she believes. She really does believe that. Someone stole her brain years ago. They aren't going to give it back either.

    Hope the misses is feeling better.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. Sandee, did she ever have a brain?

    The Mrs. is doing great.

  4. Adrienne, I will never understand why the liberal mind gets started. Commie brothers are the worst. I walk with a commie every day. He gets his talking points from the Sunday Talk Shows.

    Trying to get rest, but it might not happen today.

  5. That one with the minion was some funny shit

  6. I totally get the minion one, that's saying something for a 68 yr old blonde berserker...
    or is it...
    Prayers still up for wellness for the Mrs. and rest for the wicked...

  7. Brighid, don't sell yourself short.

    The Mrs. is doing great. Thank You My Lady.

  8. And Clinton isn't much better IYKWIM.

    PS The others nail it. Keep up the fire.

  9. Ignorance you can fix. You can't fix stupid.

  10. Democrats rely on the stupidity of many American voters. Hate to say it but Jonathan Gruber is right about the stupid voters.

  11. Republicans never invented diseases to kill black people. Once they did develop a serum to make black people stupid, but after trying it out on Sheila Jackson Lee, they determined it worked too well and discontinued it.

  12. Edutcher, I hate the sound of "That" name.

  13. Euripides, Yeah but it sure is fun to watch.

  14. Proof, I think there are a few others on that test list.

  15. The last one takes the, uh, Clint cake.

  16. Cube, but that Clint cake is tough to beat huh.


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