Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Have A Happy Walmart Halloween II

Keep em coming you say ?


  1. Maybe I should have hung out there just to get a dose of reality, Maybe.

  2. Yes, keep them coming. Wal Mart is a mess and the people are even more of a mess. Free entertainment.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  3. Sandee, I love the place. It allows me to be myself.

  4. Ummmm - The ballet dancer has no yum-yums or hoo ha's either. What's up with that?

    Our local WallyWorld is so boring and normal.

  5. With the exception of pink tutu man, (no, I don't want his number either) and polka dotted 1980 ass woman, they were OK as Halloween costumes.

    It's during the rest of the year that WalMart people are weird.

  6. I thought the first was just regular Walmartians.

  7. edutcher, Sort of, but her head is on backwards.

  8. To American Women Hater Who Tried to get his post past me, It's OK to admit your Gayness. You don't have to disguise it as an American Women hit piece. Be proud of your homosexuality.

  9. Didn't think they had Walmarts in Frisco.


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