Monday, November 25, 2013

They're Back . . . The Walmartians ~ Four (4)

 At his age, you just don't give a hoot anymore
 Rock on, lil' redneck
 Ever wonder where Walmartians sleep?
 Butt??? butt??? oh, never mind!
OK, so you were an underwear model, but that was 40 years ago!

Thanks David !


  1. I can be a slob! But I could never be mistaken for a WalMartian! Thank God.

  2. MR, we'll have to confirm that with MRS before we let you get away with that statement.

  3. Yea, I'm a slob. Don't really feel like taking a shower, but once or so a week and then only if someone is coming by. I like that ole DUCK and don't give a F*&K! Hey, and it's fun.

  4. Okay, pass the bleach. I need to wash out my eyes a bit.

    That last guy I've forever grateful that he's walking away from the camera and not to the camera. I'm not thinking I could have survived that.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  5. It is hard to imagine them getting worse even though they are.

  6. Ron, most of us guys are slobs. It works best when we can embarrass someone though.

  7. Sandee, You don't give yourself enough credit. I'll bet you can handle just about anything.

  8. Admiral, and what are you using as a standard?

  9. The old man looks great compared to the other pictures.

  10. I guess in today's society these are all OVER-ACHIEVERS...That young man has 'em all beat!

  11. Why do I get the feeling these people never look in a mirror before they go out?

  12. Supi, This version of the photo was cleaned up from the original. Use you imagination.

  13. Scotty, Damn straight ... he's guarding the beer.

  14. Note to self... Checkout Odie's unique sense of humor "after" dinner :/

    You really gotta wonder about these people???

  15. I walked among the walmartians just this week. Hey, gotta shop somewhere!

  16. Ok, I have to admit. I went back here looking for more. This is addicting! ;o)

  17. MissK, after dinner? I don't wonder at all, but I was at a Walmart in the better part of Reno yesterday. I'm happy to report I was the only one that even came close to these photos.

  18. Opie, I have to agree. Heck, I fit right in yesterday, but everyone else was over dressed.

  19. Abelle, good, that's what I like to hear. Some people come half way around the world to see this ... as you know.

  20. Can't help wonder what's the big attraction at Walmart for all these types of people. We don't have Walmart here in Tasmania or the rest of Australia but I ain't never seen these kinda sights at K-Mart

  21. Tony, Welcome to Woodsterman, the "wish you could un-see" capital of the world.

  22. HAPPY THANKSGIVING my friend..hugss!!:)

  23. I don't think that I'll be able to down Thanksgiving dinner after seeing this. Thanks for dietary aid.

  24. I'm not ashamed to say I shop at WalMart and I've never seen anything this bad before. Goodness gracious!


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