Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Simple Ideas

Thanks Dan !


  1. Well you are a whole lot of helpful today. Some good help too. Thanks.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Holy Smokes! I must have clicked on Better Homes and Gardens! Thanks for the tips!

  3. Those are neat! But on that last one I would suggest using the toilet paper and saving the wrapping paper. That way you can give the gift that keeps on giving.

  4. Sandee, You can learn a lot from the old woodsterman you know.

  5. Opie, I'm not just a pretty faced play thing you know, I gots smarts and learnin too.

  6. Fuzzy My Beauty, where you bean? Hang on to your hat, I have about 100 of these things.

  7. They are all sound solutions.

  8. I've used the walnut trick several times. Works like a charm!

  9. Awesome tips, they're actually useful... Lovely to see the practical side of you Odie. The walnut is my fave ;-)

  10. AOW, Of course it does ... you saw it here.

  11. Edutcher, No higher than three stories though.

  12. MissK, you will come to know me as a knowledgeable kind of guy :)


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