Sunday, November 17, 2013

Behind the Scenes At the White House

Stolen via Dave ... Thank You.

I was absent yesterday due to a segmented bowl
turning class. The class was given by one of the
greats. I have lived across the Lake from him
for almost 35 years. I figured it was time to meet
him, and when people come into my booth and
asked if I know Malcolm I can say, "Why yes I do".

Here's a link ... Malcolm Tibbetts


  1. Every one of those pictures nailed it. Have a great Sunday buddy.

  2. Jesse Ventura...Al Frankin...are we sure Minnesota is not Canada?

  3. Curmudgeon, You have to watch out when I get turned loose with a hammer.

  4. Race, That border seems to creep down too often.

  5. These are spot on Odie. I linked you to my Silly Sunday post. These qualify and then some. Unfortunately.

    Have a fabulous day. :)

  6. Yeah, ain't it the truth!

    Sad state of affairs.

  7. LMAO I tell you they would all fit with photos of our Government too ...absolutely spot on heheh!

    Have a lietastic week ;-)

  8. Sandee Thank you for adding me this morning. I'm still trying to catch up after my day "off" yesterday.

  9. Timothy = Perzackly! Life would be so great without these turds.

  10. Odie: Sorry to hear about your segmented bowl. I hear doctors are doing marvelous things these days to treat it!

  11. that wasn't silly that was all true

  12. Proof, I'm sorry I meant bowls not balls.

  13. Lady, you're absolutely right about that, but our humor is all we have left.

  14. Slowly, but surely, the smirk is coming off Barry's face.

    It is fun watching, isn't it?

  15. Nothing wrong with name-dropping. I do it all the time.

  16. Ouch! The truth can hurt, even if it's funny.

  17. I hope you enjoyed your class.

    Their real thoughts managed to escape into captions.

  18. perhaps to late now, but it has become obvious that this bunch don't give a crap about America or Americans... I think they are just worried how to do away with them...

  19. Scheech, Odie... I was really feeling bad for ya on that segmented bowl movement thing... then it dawned on me...

  20. The pictures are spot on! Have an awesome week Odie.

  21. I went trolling over to the Huffington Post and read an "article" about the 12 reasons that Obama is the best President ever. Item 1 on the list stated that he is "for the people."

    Can you believe that someone actually published such manure? Sheesh.

  22. I am tired of living in the twilight zone.

  23. Edutcher, it is fun, but do the sheeples see it?

  24. Ron = you did strike me as a name dropper.

  25. Messymimi, oh that it can, but the humor is about all we have left.

  26. James, it is obvious to us, but let's wait to see if the sheeples graze on their asses.

  27. Marine, thanks for your concern. Movement is something I don't want.

  28. AOW, I can believe anything coming from Huffpo ... that's why I say away ... Power to the Sheeple!

  29. Admiral, do what I did ... move into the light.

  30. Odie,
    The only reason that I check the HuffPo from time to time: to see what the enemy is saying.

    Yes, these Leftards are the enemies of our Constitution!

    But I can't visit the HuffPo too much. My blood pressure!

  31. AOW, I wait until you visit and get your G rated report.

  32. Heh heh. True, but not believed by the low information voters.


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