Friday, November 29, 2013

They're Back . . . The Walmartians ~ Five (5) BEST YET!

 Whatever happened to no shoes, no shirt policy? We Cool ...
 Took the words right outta my mouth! WOW, What O Wedgie
 My's feets be killen me...Removal may be a job for the HEAVY URBAN RESCUE TEAM
 Predator's Sister goes shopping
I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt

WHOOPEE, Black Friday ... See You There!


  1. OMG, how did that woman get out of that cart?!

  2. Was that Mooch in that cart? She overdid it with all that pie on Thanksgiving again...Lets MOVE!

  3. Maybe that woman with the tower on her head is trying to build another Tower of Babel.

    Or should that be "Tower of Babble"? Or "Towel of Babel"?

  4. And another fine mess of carbon based something or other.

    Pass me the eye bleach.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  5. The hair, the hair, oh that hair! I do not even want to imagine the front view,,,,,

  6. In that hair there is a real nice home for small animals. Turn the ferrets loose Odie!

  7. Miss Fuzzette, We kind of think alike, but I'm still stuck on how she got in the cart in the first place.

  8. Randy, beer and grit stuffing is a dangerous combination.

  9. AOW, You've just posed the question for the ages.

  10. Sandee, I'm not shopping, so it will be a wonderful day.

  11. Christopher, There's a hint for you in the caption below the photo.

  12. Scotty Me Boy, I'm nots going near it. Some critters dey bites.

  13. All the MORE reason to stay away from WalMart on Black Friday.

  14. And they will be all over the place today.

  15. LL, I'm shocked! I pegged you for a Black Friday shopper big time.

  16. Those people HAVE to be doing that just so somebody will take a picture.

    Don't they?

  17. I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt lady really cracked me up


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.