Monday, April 29, 2013

Yes, It Still Matters Where You Put The Price Tag

Thanks Dan !


  1. Didn't I f you yesterday? LOL. Good stuff...I think.

  2. Real mistakes or on purpose mistakes?

  3. Randy, It's all in the eye of the reader.

  4. Lol that's funny Odie :)

  5. Bwahahahahaha. I love these even better than yesterdays offering.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  6. The middle one was no accident.

  7. Edutcher, you're right, I put it there myself.

  8. Do you remember eons ago when CBS innocently used a very rude hand signal in TV Guide as a "To watch" icon? It was a German finger expression for something very different. I wish I had kept my copy, which, today would be a classic. Thanks for the funnies. :)

  9. What's this unnatural fascination with butts. Are you trying to tell us all something?

  10. I'd say it's a given that Bath House Barry avoids that last one like Dracula does sunlight.


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