Sunday, April 7, 2013

Job Hunter

This young man says he needs Government 
assistance because he cannot get a job.
Any suggestions?


  1. Mooch's personal assistant comes to mind...The private sector has nothing for him, circus and carnival jobs are all taken by ex Democrat congressman.

  2. Mine detector in a mine field in the DMZ?

  3. That's just so repulsive. A person would have to mentally unstable to do such things to themselves.

    Even in little Post Falls I'm starting to see people with entire arms tattooed. Ugly, ugly...

  4. Randy, Great idea ... I'll tell him to storm the White House.

  5. Admiral, Another great idea. Yous guys is doin' great!

  6. Adrienne, they'll sober up after their 70th birthday and wonder what the hell were they thinking.

  7. Opie, another great one ... all yous guys been studyin ?

  8. Maybe he can get the job of professional trick-or-treater?

  9. It's way to late for this one. You can't correct stupid. I'm just saying.

    Have a fabulous Silly Sunday Odie. ☺

  10. AOW, nope ... that one is already taken ... by me of course.

  11. Sandee, Aw a surgeon can fix him right up ... of course costing about a 1000 times than the original damage. 😃

  12. Horrible mutilation. I can't even look at that. If you look at that and don't think "demonic", you need to read more.

  13. That is so disgusting!!!! Afternoon Odie:)

  14. I would suggest Madame La Guillotine and a fresh start.

  15. Edutcher, butt then you have TWO ugly pieces parts. 🚽

  16. Just another one of Bath House Barry's voters. Not that he(?) has the mentality to actually vote -- but they do use his(?) ID when they wheel him(?) into the voting booth.

  17. Off hand I'd say he'd be a natural salesman in plumbing supplies. He could wear half the fittings. Need a 3/4" street fitting? Got right here in my left ear lobe. Oh, pardon me, it's in my nose.

  18. Marine, "Bath House Barry"? I love it.

  19. Sig 94, rolling on the floor with hurt stomach mussels. You got me, Dude.

  20. Opus...even the freak shows have standards.

  21. He should try a tattoo parlor. Maybe funky antique stores like obscura.

    Construction companies may find him to be good, until he figures out what he wants. Go to a college and look to see if they want anyone in the maintenance. Go to school for heating, air etc. No reason he can't go to school and be a lab tech, it's not like the public needs to see him.

    Though some of the people commenting are shallow. So much for the adage of not judging a book by it's cover.

  22. Start his own freak show.

  23. I would pay him to stay home. It might be catching!!!!

  24. @ Unknown -- You really are unbelievable.

  25. Pinching, piercing is a highly turnoff for some people. I personally feel that piercing your body and giving it a name of art is not good. It is very bad for the body. You may get ill, severe body infections may take place.

    Finn Felton
    Kopi Luwak

  26. Nate, This is more self mutilation, or shall we say self freak creation.

  27. Unknown, you have a problem with taking life WAY to seriously. Lighten up Dude!

  28. Rick, that's been taken, but thanks for the input.

  29. Marine, you noticed that. Way too serious for this post, huh.

  30. Finn, thanks for the input, but really, we're only trying to laugh at the human race here.

  31. I'm sure that some federal agency would hire him.

  32. LL, he looks like a postal worker, huh.

  33. Boo-freakin' hoo. I bet he complains when people stare at him too.


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