Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

I Don't know where Jodi is, so enjoy this.

This is me in my later years.

Thanks David for reminding me.


  1. No wonder I'm tired at the end of each day. This is me. Bwahahahahahahaha. Wait, why am I laughing?

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. Our lives are too busy. There is too much to get done everyday. Anyway, that's my excuse.

  3. "And I'm baffled because I've been busy, and I'm really tired." LOL, sounds familiar.

  4. I do this everyday also... I agree with cube, busy and not enough time in the day!!!

  5. If age is the trigger then a co-worker of mine is beyond his years.

    The last line about being busy and tired at the end of the day after nothing being accomplished is all too familiar.

  6. Rick, When life gives you lemons you forget where you put them.

  7. Cube, you're not as far gone as the rest of us. You can still make excuses.

  8. Opie, You know what the worst case scenario ... zzzzzzz

  9. I think that was me before I let the color grow out. And, yes, I think I was living in England, but, maybe not. Dang it, I go so fast, I'm always behind. Which looks like me, again. Oh, forget it.
    Very funny. Thanks, Odie.


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