Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Woodsterman Turns Three Today !

Here is a repeat of my very first post.

Thank You All

Over 180,000 hits

Over 250,000 page views

Most of all I want to thank you all for 
allowing a grown man to be a kid again.


  1. You be da man Odie! Its a blast working with you, as well as reading and listening to all your great stuff. Happy damn B-Day!

  2. Happy blogoversary, Odie!

    I'm so glad that I've gotten to know you. Your site is fun. AND you so that wonderful woodwork, and your wife does that beautiful stitchery.

    The icing on the cake: you are a conservative!

  3. AOW, it isn't always that you meet a man with all those great qualities. Mr. is a keeper ... LOL.

    Thank You Kindly!

  4. Happy Blogaversary Odie. Thank you for livening up this workaday joint.

  5. Opie, thank you and pleasure is all mine.

  6. ♪♪Happy Blogoversary to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Blogoversary to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Blogoversary Dear Woodsterman,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Blogoversary to you.♪♪

    Glad I found you Odie. :)

  7. Sandee, What a great voice! I'm glad you found me too. Actually, I think I followed you back from Randy's to your place or something like that.

  8. Bet it doesn't feel like 3 years! You've got a great sense of humor guy--keep it up! There are a few bloggers I would like to meet and you are one. Took care of that Dale thing over at Obama Cartoons and I didn't know. The Baracuda girl didn't give a link back or perhaps this ole man just missed it.

  9. Happy Blogoversary, Odie. I may go to WalMart today to celebrate. I will, however, be wearing clothes...

  10. Ron, Thank you SIR! That Dale cartoon has been all over the web. Some duche-bag removed his signature.

  11. Thank you Adrienne, but let me know if you change your mind about the clothes.

  12. Great blog-sight Odie, you make a lot of folks day a whole lot brighter. Congrats!

  13. Scooney, thank you you sir. It's all about fun here.

  14. Hi Odie!

    Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it's been 3 whole years! I hope you have fun celebrating the day.
    You cheer up the whole blogsophere with your daily funnies. Keep being a kid forever ;-)
    Well done, Bunni & Kittehkins.

  15. Happy blogoversary Man!
    Keep Up the Good Work!

  16. Bunnikins, thank you much. Kid power!

  17. Happy blogoversary! You help a mad hatter stay a little more sane.

  18. Diogenes Sarcastica, I'll do my best. Thank you!

  19. Madhat, no no no I'm looking for insane. Thanks young Dude!

  20. Congrats ya old coot! How long is that in blog years?

  21. Sig94, Old coot? You caught me. It 99 in blog years.

  22. Wow Odie, that long eh? I remember you chit-chatting w/me when the idea was rolling around in that empty spot above your shoulders. : ) You have done a great job here and I know that indirectly you have helped me keep in touch with some old friends from my youth back in the hood. Funny how that is going now. They just send me e-mails that they know will go to you and for some reason forget to say hi to me. LOL!!! Seriously tho. I'm real happy for you in this endeavor cuz you start a lot of folks day off with a big ol' chuckle, and that's a great way to start the day! Here's to another 3!

  23. Congrats! Opening your site and seeing the funny is the only thing that has kept me from snapping and going on a multi-state crime spree!

  24. Allison, I'll bet you didn't know you were the inspiration for Woodsterman you wooden head. Enough idle chat, thank you so much for being here for the whole three years.

  25. Inno, are you sure about that. I thought we met when you held up that gas station.

  26. We were away yesterday, or I would have added my congrats.

    Happy bloggiversary, sir.

    And many more!

  27. I missed another blogiversary??? Was there cake???? Congrats, Woodsterman! Keep up the good work!


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